Project on hold due to Covid19

Taken from CALYPSO Project Postponed due to Coronavirus « SpecialKidz International

Due to the global COVID-19 outbreak (coronavirus), the lead teams in Barbados, the UK and the USA have decided to postpone the first preliminary visit in March 2020 until the coronavirus threat has passed.

They are naturally disappointed in the decision but will endeavor to push ahead with the project given the messages their governments issue. The health and welfare of all members of the project is paramount as they want everyone to be safe and well.

Decibels, Audiovisability, Specialkidz International, Barbados Council for the Disabled and Peter and Jan Boos’ Family Foundation, will be in touch again when the situation has been resolved.

Their commitment and goals towards the Barbados CALYPSO Project remain the same.


Thank you so much


The Signing Ceremony & on CBC TV